Combo membership, ProfitTips provides you with daily recommendations with a minimum of 3.00. Our team helps you save time and effort, by analysing the collection of matches for the day and, creates the best choices for the day. After this, we publish our chosen matches in the Combo section by 11:00 am UK time at the latest.
You can buy our Combo membership only via our application. After you download our app, go to the section Combo, choose the membership which you want (note that if you buy a longer membership, you will get better price) and then click on the button Grab it now. On the next page you will see the available payment methods. Once you’ve successfully paid the membership, you will automatically receive access to our Combo page.
If you have any inquiries regarding the meaning of certain options, such as 2.0, 2.5 or DNB, you can check the Terminology field – HERE
Please note that we offer various FREE tips everyday, which you can find in the FREE section in our app, which you can also download for FREE.
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